Please ensure all items of uniform and PE kit is named
All uniform is available exclusively from Birds of Dereham:
Birds (Argent Clothing Ltd)
Unit D, 13 Yaxham Road
Dereham, NR19 1HB.
Tel: 01362 699130
Email: enquiries@birds-sport.co.uk
Birds of Dereham website
We have a range of pre loved uniform available. Please contact our parent support advisor for more details - Jo Viner jviner@litchamschool.org.uk
We also welcome donations of good quality pre loved uniform, any donations can be handed in to our main reception.
Secondary Phase
- Footwear should be a black, formal, flat shoe. Black sports trainers, pumps, canvas shoes and boots are not permitted.
- Black trousers should be smart, formal and full length. Jeans-style and tight, skinny fitting, trousers or cropped trousers are not permitted. Hipster style trousers are also not appropriate.
- Litcham School jumpers, or blazers must be worn at all times except where classroom teacher permission is given or summer uniform is in operation. Jumpers should not be tucked into skirts or trousers.
- Litcham logo knee length skirts to be worn by all year groups (available from Birds of Dereham). If students choose to wear a skirt, they must also wear black tights, except when summer uniform is in operation.
- Shorts, plain black, smart tailored – not cargo or branded may be worn during the summer uniform period. (Litcham logo shorts available from Birds of Dereham)
- Shirts should be long enough to tuck into trousers. Short, fitted blouses are not permitted.
- Belts should be narrow with a small buckle.
- Socks or tights should be black and plain, not patterned.
- Make-up is not permitted.
- False eyelashes are not to be worn.
- Jewellery – One small, plain stud per earlobe and a watch are allowed. No other jewellery is permitted.
- Hair should be one natural colour and not, in the Head of Year’s judgement, of an extreme style.
- Only clear nail varnish can be worn (no nail extensions or false nails or wearing of coloured polishes).
- Hoodies are not permitted in school.
- Outside garments (coats etc) are not to be worn in the school building.
- Failure to comply with the school’s dress regulations will result in internal / social exclusion, or an external exclusion, until the problem is rectified.
- Summer uniform runs from May half-term holiday to October half term.
Secondary Phase PE Kit
Blue, preferably with Litcham School motif
Blue, preferably with Litcham School motif
Burgandy fitness t shirt preferably with Litcham School logo. The former white and blue logo t-shirts are acceptable.
Blue, preferably with Litcham School motif
Tracksuit bottoms
Blue, preferably with Litcham School motif
White (for indoor PE and summer sports)
Suitable for sports activities (not fashion wear)
with non-marking soles
Football boots
Highly recommended
Shin pads
Recommended for football
Primary Phase
- Black trousers should be smart, formal and full length. No leggings. Black formal shorts may be worn during the summer term.
- Black skirts should be formal, plain and at least knee length. Vertical pleats are permitted but not horizontal pleats/frills. Hipster-style and jersey-style skirts are not permitted.
- Blue/white check dresses may be worn during the summer term and first half of Autumn term. • White shirt/blouse/polo shirt.
- Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo.
- Footwear should be black shoes that are safe, sensible and of a type that will not mark floors. No boots are permitted.
- Outside garments should be warm and weather-proof and should not carry large logos, branding or other images.
- Make-up of any sort is not permitted.
- Jewellery: one small stud per ear lobe and a watch are permitted.
- Hair should be one natural colour and not of an extreme style. No large hair decorations such as flowers, bows or animal ears.
- Socks should be white or black and plain. Tights may be worn and should be plain black.
- Children are encouraged to wear peaked or legionnaire style sun hats during the periods of bright sunshine.
Primary Phase PE Kit
Navy (with Litcham School Logo – optional)
Burgandy fitness t shirt preferably with Litcham School logo. The former white and blue logo t-shirts are acceptable.
For outdoor use
White (for indoor PE and Summer Sports)
(Navy) for outdoor activities in the cold weather
Blue Navy (with Litcham School Logo – optional)
Football socks
Navy/White (optional)
Girls – one piece swimsuit
Boys – Trunks/shorts (not Bermuda style)

Personal Effects and Jewellery in PE Lessons
Jewellery, i.e. watches, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces etc. (including jewellery worn through the ears, nose, eyebrows, lips and other exposed areas of the body) should not to be worn whilst participating in physical education lessons. In addition belts with metal buckles should not be worn and long hair should be secured as appropriate to the activity.
Students are consistently reminded of these requirements and a check carried out to ensure compliance before activity begins.
(Norfolk County Council Code of Practice for health and safety in secondary school PE)