Reading Lessons at Litcham School Primary Phase
Read, Write, Inc. Phonics
We follow the Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme which supports the develop of early word reading, fluency and comprehension skills for children in EYFS and KS1. We also continue to use the teaching of phonics to support any children in KS2 who have not met the expected standard in Reading at the end of Year 2. We teach phonics every day in 30-minute sessions. They are grouped according to their reading ability so that all children are adequately supported and challenged.
In every phonics session children have a speed sounds lesson. This means that every day children learn a new sound, review previously taught sounds, read and write words containing the target sound. They also read a fully decodable text everyday which is matched to their reading ability. We teach children the story words and common exception words that they will encounter in the story. With every re-read, the children focus on fluency, expression and understanding.
Each week children complete a range of activities related to their fully decodable story which allow them to build the foundations of reading for understanding. They are introduced to new vocabulary, hear a story introduction, make links to their own experiences, make predictions, answer retrieval questions and answer some inference questions.
Within each phonics session children practise writing individual words and practise letter formation. Each week the children also practise orally rehearsing dictated sentences to write. They then focus on punctuation and finger spacing when recalling these sentences to write.
Assessment and Progress
Each half-term, every child completes a Read, Write, Inc Assessment with the Reading Leader. Children are then grouped based on their reading ability. Any children that phonics teachers feel need more support that children are being accelerated through the programme. Any children that have not made expected progress will have group or individual tutoring to allow them to consolidate target sounds or skills to ensure that they keep up.
Phonics across the year groups
During our teaching of English, all teachers use their knowledge of phonics to support children in their class with reading and writing tasks. Children have access to ‘sound mats’ to support them with their own writing and teachers regularly refer to and model strategies taught in phonics to allow children to transfer these skills into their own reading and writing.
Whole Class Reading
In Key Stage 2 the pupils have a lesson of Whole Class Reading each day for 45 minutes. We follow Mr Booth whole class reading which is carefully sequenced to ensure progression throughout our year groups. We aim to expose the children to a range of high quality texts including classics, poetry, books from other cultures and non-fiction texts. We have a class novel which we read each day, with all pupils taking part in reading aloud. The pupils learn how to make predictions, give their opinions on different texts and inferences based on evidence from the texts. The school has, with the help of the Friends, been able to purchase books so that pupils are able to always read along and experience the pleasure of reading.
In English lessons, our planning is based around books that are a hook for all of our writing. These books are carefully selected to match our learning across the curriculum which allows our children to be immersed in reading across the curriculum.
Reading for Pleasure
Pupils have a range of books that they take home with them to read. Children in phonics groups have weekly read, write, inc ebooks and quizzes that they complete independently and also take home an additional phonetically decodable text that parents support them to read. All children have weekly sessions in the library where they are guided in their choices of texts to read with parents in KS1 and independently in KS2.